Books by Elizabeth Woodson

The Christian Women's Conference 2025 this past weekend with Elizabeth Woodson was a wonderful time of fellowship and time in the word. A big shout out to the Women's Ministry Team for pulling it all together!

The book table was very popular and sold out quickly. In light of this, we will be ordering more of Elizabeth Woodson's books for ladies who wanted them but were unable to get them at the conference.

The following books will be available:

  • LIVE FREE - A Study Of Galatians ($20)
  • FROM BEGINING TO FOREVER - A Study Of The Grand Narrative of Scripture ($20)
  • EMBRACE YOUR LIFE - How To Find Joy When The Life You Have Is Not The Life You Hoped For ($15)

    If you would like to purchase books, please either visit the table in the breezeway after church on Sunday with cash or send an e-mail to Mueni at perpetual.mueni@gmail.com with the name of the book(s) and a screen shot indicating on-line payment. We will only be ordering books for those who have preordered and prepaid for them.

    These books are also available as e-books if you prefer. They can be purchased from Lifeway.com: LIVE FREE, FROM BEGINNING TO FOREVER and EMBRACE YOUR LIFE.

2025 Festival of Easter Glory

The Easter Season is almost upon us! During this joyous time of the year that we celebrate the life, death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, join us in worship at our Annual Easter concerts this 11th and 13th of April. Bring a friend, and bring a treat to share at the finger-food fellowship in the breezeway after each concert!

CHP is back!

Thank you for your continued prayers for little Luciana. She underwent surgery successfully on Monday, 3 March, and was discharged and moved into Shane & Kimi Foster's home on Monday, 10 March. She, her mom, Herodiana and their interpreter, Cristi, have really enjoyed their time with the Foster family while Luciana has recovered. We praise God that she has been given the all-clear by her doctors and is returning home a new child in terms of her energy and zeal for life. Thank you all for your prayers!

For more information on what it means for FBC to host CHP groups, please click the button below, or contact Deb at deb@fbc.org.ky.

Lost & Found

On Sundays 30 March and 6 & 13 April, there will be a table in the breezeway with lost and found items that have accumulated over the last few months. Any items not claimed after these three weeks will either be donated to the NCVO/Red Cross or disposed of. If you have lost something valuable, please ask!

Come and check it out; it may be that there is an item there that you haven’t realized you’ve lost!

If you lose anything on the First Baptist premises, please contact the church office to see if it has been turned in.

Order of Service

30 March 2025

Birthdays This Week

30 March - 6 April

Steve Durksen -- 03/30
Dania Strachan -- 03/31
Stephanie Yorke -- 03/31
Dian Reid-Whyte -- 04/02
Monique Malcolm -- 04/03
Stella Tomlinson-Maragh-- 04/03
Ricky Handal -- 04/05
Linval Stewart -- 04/06