Sunday Morning Worship

Join us at 10:30am

Sunday School (9:15am)
During the Sunday school hour, we meet in small classes to learn what God’s word says about the Christian life and our hope in Christ. We offer a variety of topics and groups for all ages. Feel free to jump into a class that’s right for you. Contact the church office for more information.

Sunday Service (10:30am)
Our Sunday morning gathering allows us to worship in prayer, scripture reading, singing, and preaching as one big family. God intends these gatherings to build us up into maturity in Christ (Eph. 4:11-16) and stir us up to love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24-25).

Praise Factory - Infant - 4 years (10:30am)
We are happy to help with your little ones to allow you to be fed with God’s word during the entire morning service. Ask an usher for directions.

Worship Warehouse - 5 - 10 years (After worship)
Children are invited to be dismissed to the gym during the offering.  Children will remain in the gym after the service until caregivers/parents come to collect them.